What Is The Best Way To Use This Ai-Based Software? In Which Areas Is It Best To Focus?
Sales Effectiveness
More than 70% of large companies are already using extensive data analysis through AI to improve their sales or are considering incorporating it if they do not already do so. This data is already very revealing. In a market environment like the current one of mature markets, where growth is based on subtracting market share from the competition, the product/service must adapt to the changing needs of the customer “in real-time.”
- Customer satisfaction
We all know that the cost of gaining a customer is much higher than keeping it. Knowing the demand and consumption patterns of the client and consumer is needed. It is necessary to anticipate the behaviour of the consumer buyer throughout the entire marketing process, not only in the sale, to take corrective actions and act accordingly. For example, the product/service may adapt to the customer’s needs, but through the effective use of big data, we realize that there are complaints in the distribution of the product or the after-sales service.
- Management cost
Another great benefit of what has been said above is a significant reduction in management costs throughout the sales and marketing process. The analysis of big data allows, among other things, the optimization of customer segmentation, price and promotion policies, marketing campaigns, regulatory compliance, and customer loyalty.
- Customer retention
Finally, anticipating and reacting before the customer abandons is critical today. This can only be sustained through analysis and active listening to the customer, providing organizations with the right tools and people to make big data indeed a competitive advantage.
Advantages of Big Data
- Prompt Judgments. The speed at which this data can be processed expedites the decision-making process, increasing the room for manoeuvre and reducing potential losses in the strategies that are implemented.
- Knowledge of the public and creation of loyalty. Big Data makes it possible to monitor the customer closely and accurately, including trends, frequencies, tastes, habits, and needs. This makes it easy to personalize marketing and build customer loyalty.
- Immediate results and feedback. The outcomes of these analyses can be obtained in real-time because the information is flowing in real-time, and the procedures for analyzing this Big Data can be automated. Additionally, it offers the chance for feedback to be almost instantaneous.
- Differentiating technology and market with a future. These days, a differentiator that helps businesses succeed is the utilization of big data. This suggests that an increasing number of companies are making more significant investments in the advancement of their data science, creating a peak in the market today with an eye toward long-term growth.
Disadvantages of Big Data
- Quality and quantity of data. The massive amount of information generated raises two main issues. First, the volume and continuous increase in data make it challenging to study and hasten the obsolescence of software as its processing capacity is exceeded.
- Second, we have junk data that takes up space and necessitates purging because the data is varied and not all of it is relevant for a specific purpose.
- Lack of trained personnel. As a growing field of study, science still needs qualified specialists to meet the demands of the market.
- Policies for data protection and cybersecurity. Government regulations governing how these businesses will use consumer data must be updated on a regular basis, given the growing interest of companies in using our data to measure their key performance indicators.